In Case Of Emergency
State of Emergency
When the Governor of California, or the President of the United States, issues a State of Emergency in a county in which Sierra Telephone provides service, and Sierra Telephone’s ability to deliver telephone service has been impacted, Sierra Telephone shall implement the following procedures demonstrating compliance with the protections listed in the California Public Utilities Commission Decision No. 19-08-025:
- A waiver of the one-time activation fee for establishing Remote Call Forwarding, Remote Access to Call Forwarding, Call Forwarding Features, and Messaging Services.
- A waiver of the monthly rate for one month for Remote Call Forwarding, Remote Access to Call Forwarding, Call Forwarding Features, and Messaging Services.
- A waiver for the service charge for installation of service at the temporary or new permanent location of the Customer and again when the Customer moves back to the original premises.
- A waiver of the fee for one jack and associated wiring at the temporary location regardless of whether the Customer has an Inside Wire plan.
- A waiver of the fee for up to five free jacks and associated wiring for Inside Wire Plan Customers upon their return to their permanent location.
- A waiver of the fee for one jack and associated wiring for non-plan Customers upon their return to their permanent location.
For more information about Decision No. 19-08-025, visit www.cpuc.ca.gov
Keeping You Connected
Even during a power outage, a wired telephone can access 911 and other services. In the event of an emergency, make sure you have a corded phone available and plugged in to a live telephone jack. Your DSL internet service will also be available if you have a generator or some other means to power the modem and any internet-enabled electronics you may have. Keeping the telephone system active is our top priority.
Emergency Alert System
Sign up for emergency warnings through Madera and Mariposa County’s Emergency Warning Systems.
PG&E Power Outages and PSPS Events
Learn more about PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoffs and view a current outage map as well as information on electric outages in your area.
Use this live California wildfire map to keep up to date on active California wildfires and fire activity across the state.