Residential and Business Discounts
Above rates include the following:
- Local Unlimited Calling
- Access to Local Operator Services
- Access to Emergency 9-1-1 services
- Toll Blocking
- Access to Local and National Directory Assistance
- Access to Interexchange Service Providers
- Voice Grade access to the public switched network.
Sierra Tel provides discounted monthly service rates and free Toll Blocking to all Residence Customers who qualify for California LifeLine Service or Federal Enhanced Lifeline Service.
For more information go to: https://www.californialifeline.com/en
California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) and Universal Service Schools and Libraries Program (E-Rate)
California Teleconnect Fund Program
The California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) provides qualified organizations a 50% discount on Internet access and select Digital Transmission services, as well as a 25% discount on voice services offered by Sierra Tel. However, please be advised the CTF discounts on voice services were discontinued as of 7/1/2019 per California Public Utilities Commission Decision 19-04-013. For more on this change and general program information go to www.cpuc.ca.gov/ctf or contact CTFHelp@cpuc.ca.gov. The application of actual discounts may vary for CTF participants who are eligible for federal E-Rate discounts or who receive federal rural healthcare discounts.
For more information go to: https://cpuc.ca.gov/ctf
- Schools and Libraries – Application Process
- Schools and Libraries – Program Overview
- Schools and Libraries – Frequently Used Terms
For more information go to: https://www.usac.org/e-rate/